Panagiotis Kanellos

Accountant of SMEs

Tax consultant in Legal entities taxation, Contracts avoiding double taxation, group tax planning, mergers / spin-offs of large multinational companies, organizing financial services, training administrative organization charts, administration of major accounting projects etc

05 ΚΑΝΕΛΛΟΣ ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΗΣ 1 Panagiotis Kanellos


  • He is a graduate of Athens University of Economics and Business (A.S.O.E.E.),
  • He is a graduate of Upper Technological Educational Institute and member of the Economic Chamber,
  • He is columnist in Accounting and Tax portal of


  • License of A class Accountant
  • Member of the Economic Chamber of Athens


Before joining the Company’s Manpower, Mr. Panagiotis Kanellos had served for ten years as chief accountant and tax consultant in a variety of companies and accounting offices in Athens, as Introforex EIA Charagionis Group, Interfinance Ltd. and many other Greek and subsidiaries.

Currently he is working as Chief Accountant of SMEs in EFM Accounting Services and Tax Consultant advising our clients on tax and accounting issues.

Tax consultant in Legal entities taxation, Contracts avoiding double taxation, group tax planning, mergers / spin-offs of large multinational companies, organizing financial services, training administrative organization charts, administration of major accounting projects etc.He has extensive experience in structures of tax planning, company selection and restriction methods – to minimize the total tax burden.Besides his specialization in Accounting and Tax issues, he has been working with ordinary and extraordinary audits of large companies.

Seminars rapporteur approved by Manpower Employment Organisation, A’ Class Tax Accountant license holder

He speaks English.

Contact Info
Vasileos Georgiou 2-4,

15122, Marousi