Educational Institutions
“Knowledge is power”. The phrase of Francis Bacon who founded the concept of science and fought to get Europe out of the intellectual Middle Ages
Industries / Industries
Modern industry and handicrafts have a long course of resilience in Greece. An integrated strategy for industry-crafts, in various sectors, is a critical condition for the development and resilience of the economy.
Hotel Solutions
Having absolute knowledge and experience of the special needs of hotel units of all types and categories throughout Greece, we can and do provide solutions tailored to the special needs of tourism professionals.
Construction / Techniques
The construction industry has come under suffocating pressure on the construction industry, which is already suffering from the ten-year-long economic crisis, which is being exerted by the coronavirus pandemic.
Transfer Pricing
The obligation to submit a transfer pricing file burdens companies operating in Greece for their transactions
NSRF Programmes
Through the current NSRF support programmes, as well as the new Investment Law, we can find, on your behalf
Company Services
The experience, abilities and reliability of E.F.M. consultants will meet even your highest standards, making you feel perfectly safe
Every month we implement a multitude of reporting, both for our foreign customers and for the Greek market